4xM.E. Handstand Walk

Max distance handstand walk.

Scale to skill practice.

4×20 Shoulder Taps

Aim for quality reps, super set with barbell rows. Focus on holding hollow body position!

Scale to elevated plank shoulder taps.

Supinated-Grip Bent Over Barbell Row (4 x 6-8)

Deadlift bar from ground with palms facing up. Hinge forward at hips, knees soft, let the bar come to the top of knees for start of each rep. Pull the bar with control to hips while engaging lats.

Choose one challenging, but manageable working weight for all for sets.


EMOM x 20

Minute 1: 50′ suitcase carry – right hand (AHAP)
Minute 2: 10 jumping lunges (5 each leg) + 20 push-ups
Minute 3: 50′ suitcase carry – left hand
Minute 4: 5 muscle-ups (ring or bar)

If all reps completed RX your score is 185. Count each 50′ carry as 1 rep. List weight used for carry in notes.