4xM.E. Handstand Walks

Scale to box walk arounds. Rest 2 minutes between attempts.

Shoulder Taps 4×10-20

Work on holding hollow body position and shifting body weight with control as you work through shoulder taps.

To scale perform with feet elevated on box, holding plank.

Supinated-Grip Bent Over Row (4 x 6-8)

Deadlift bar from ground with palms facing up, hinge forward at hips, knees soft, let the bar come to the top of knees for start of each rep. Pull the bar with control to hips, engaging lats

Each set should be heavy, working set.

Mile Run + 6 Rope Climbs

For time, 15 minute cap:

Mile Run + 6 Rope Climbs

Add 1 second to your time for each rep not completed. Scale to 18 chin-ups or (difficult) ring rows.