Wodapalooza 2017 Intermediate Qualifier

5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs
40 double-unders
50′ overhead walking lunges with plate (45/25)

Rx+: 50 double unders, 50′ handstand walk

Shoulder Strength

Side dumbbell isometric hold (4×20 sec)

Isometric front delt hold (4×20 sec)

Isometric shoulder press (4×12)

Side isometric hold:
Feet shoulder width apart.
Internally rotate shoulders. You should feel it in your side delts.

Front delt hold;
Feet shoulder width apart. Bend knees slightly. Bring DB to eye level and hold.

Shoulder presses:
1 DB in each hand. Position arms 90 degrees.
Start pressing with one of the arms, keeping the other arm static.

For all: Squeeze your butt and keep your core tight! Quality over quantity!