Mobility Clinic Today!

Stick around for our mobility clinic at noon! Jeff from the Mettler Center will be teaching us about shoulder, arm, and wrist mobility.

Invictus Partner Workout

3 rounds for time:

Partner A rows 500m-
While partner B performs a 100′ walking lunges with Kettlebells (or Dumbbells) and then keeps KBs/DBs in overhead, front rack, or farmer’s carry hold for the duration of partner A’s row.

Immediately followed by…
Partner B rows 500m-
While partner A performs a 100′ walking lunges with Kettlebells (or Dumbbells) and keeps KBs/DBs in overhead, front rack, or farmer’s carry hold for the duration of partner B’s row.

Immediately followed by…
Both partners run 400m together.

– RX: (53/35)
– One full round requires that both partners row 500m, perform 100′ of lunges, and run 400m. Complete a total of 3 rounds, so that each partner rows 1500m, lunges 300′, and runs 1200m.