Bench Press 1×3

12 minutes to find a heavy 3 rep. No suicide grip.   


For time – 8 minute time cap:

21 bench press (95/65)
21 weighted v-ups (plate or WB)
15 bench press (115/75)
15 weighted v-ups
9 bench press (135/85)
9 weighted v-ups

RX +: Men (135/155/175), Women (85/105/125)

Rest 5 minutes before next metcon



12 DB/KB snatches
7 ring muscle-ups
25 double unders
9 DB/KB snatches
5 ring muscle-ups
25 double unders
6 DB/KB snatches
3 ring muscle-ups
25 double unders

Choose a weight that is challenging, but that you can complete the snatches unbroken.
If you are close to getting ring muscle-ups, scale with turnover drill following same rep scheme.

Use this as reference (

Otherwise, scale to chest-to-ring pull-ups or ring rows. No bar muscle-ups.