Handstand Skill work

5 sets of 10 shoulder taps

Rest about 1 min between sets.

1. Facing away from the wall (hardest)
2. Facing the wall with nose almost touching the wall.
3. If you cannot maintain control being so close to the wall, walk yourself away from the wall until you are comfortable. Do not lose the hollow body position!

– Keep your glutes and gut tight.
– Stay in the hollow position the whole time.
– Toes should be touching the wall.
– Wrists stacked below your shoulders.
– Shift weight to one side while lifting the opposite arm up.


Bar muscle-ups

Rest 2 min

Ring push-ups
Goblet squats (70/53)

Rest 2 min

Burpee pull-ups
Lunges w/KB (70/53) in goblet position