Snatch Warm-up

To be done with an empty barbell

5 reps of each:

Snatch-grip RDL
Snatch pull from below the knee
Muscle snatch
Overhead squat
Snatch BTN push press
Snatch balance
High hang power snatch
Snatch from below the knee

Don’t rush through this. Take your time, keeping your body rigid and making sure you hit each position perfectly.

“If you can’t do it with a barbell, why are you trying to lift 200lbs?” – Coach Madison

High Hang Squat Snatch E90x5

Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds, complete 3 high hang snatches. Increase weight each round.

Pull from the hip. No hinging forward to initiate the lift.
Record heaviest successful set of 3 reps.

Hang Squat Snatch E90x5

Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds complete 2 hang snatches. Increase weight each round. Barbells must start above the knee each rep

Snatch 1×1

13 minutes to establish 1RM snatch.

3 Minute Handstand Hold

Accrue 3 minutes in a handstand hold with you stomach facing the wall.

Try to maintain your hollow body position keeping your core tight. Rest when form starts to break.

Score is your longest handstand hold.


5 rounds for reps:

0:45 M.E. calorie row or bike
1:30 rest