Clean & Jerk for load:
#1: 2 reps @ 60%
#2: 2 reps @ 70%
#3: 2 reps @ 75%
#4: 1 rep @ 80%
#5: 1 rep @ 80%
#6: 1 rep @ 80%





1 person working at a time, divided up (movements, order, distance, etc.) anyway

1200m run with medball or plate
800m double KB waiters walk (53/35)
400m KB farmers carry (70/53)
200m OH walking lunge (45/25)
100 box jumps
60 goblet squats (35/35)
30 burpee pull-ups

RX+ = 60 pistols (instead of goblet squats),
30 bar muscle-ups (instead of burpee pull-ups)