
4RFT – 10 min cap

10 KB SDLHP (53/35)
20 sit-ups
30 double unders

Front Squat 4×8

Increasing weight each set for a heavy set of 8. Start at a moderate weight.

Front Squat for load:
#1: 8 reps
#2: 8 reps
#3: 8 reps
#4: 8 reps

Single-arm KB Row 4×8

– 8 each arm
– Superset with squats
– Choose a weight that you can control and have good form with

Sprint Mary

4 rounds:

3 minute AMRAP of “Mary”
5 strict handstand push-ups
10 alternating pistols
15 pull-ups

1 minute rest

Perform as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes and then rest 1 minute. Start up where you left off in the previous round. Score total number of rounds completed.