Dead Bug Shoulder Sequence

3 rounds

:30 alternating dead bugs
:30 rest
:30 belly-to-wall shoulder taps
:30 rest
:30 prone floor pulses w/ PVC
:30 rest

– Only count total shoulder taps accumulated over 3 rounds. Focus on quality for each movement. Slow down to progress!


Minute 1: 8 double KB hang snatches (53/35)
Minute 2: 50′ shuttle sprint x 6
Minute 3: 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

RX+: 6 BMU instead of C2B

– Score if all reps are completed:
RX = 130
RX+ = 95
– Touch the ground each turn of the shuttle sprint

Wall Sits

3 rounds

1 minute wall sit*
30 second rest

*Class lines up on wall and passes 8# Wall Ball back and forth during minute

– Thighs parallel to ground. No touching legs with arms/hands or everyone in class does 10 burpees and starts the minute over.