Dead Bug Shoulder Sequence

3 Rounds

:30 alternating dead bugs
:30 rest
:30 belly-to-wall shoulder taps
:30 rest
:30 prone floor pulses w/ PVC
:30 rest

Score is number of shoulder taps. Go for quality reps!!!

High Hang Squat Snatch EMOMx5

Pull from hip, no forward hinge to initiate lift.
Increase weight each minute.

Hang Squat Snatch E90x5

Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds complete one hang snatch.
Bar must stay above knees. Increase weight each round.

Snatch 1RM

Full snatch from floor. Time begins after completion of 5th hang snatch and ends at 20:00.


40 cal row
40 reverse lunges (20 each leg)
30 cal row
30 reverse lunges (15 each leg)
20 cal row
20 reverse lunges (10 each leg)
10 cal row
10 reverse lunges (5 each leg)