Weighted Step-ups 5×10

Two kettlebells in farmer’s carry hold. Choose a weight that’s challenging, but you can fully stand using one leg. 5 per leg.

Bent Over Row 5×5

All reps at the same, moderate weight. Maintain a flat back.


3 rounds:
Min 1: 100m run
Min 2: 10 T2B
Min 3: 10 goblet squats 53/35
Min 4: 30 double unders

Rest 3 minutes

3 rounds
Min 1: 10 pull-ups
Min 2: 20 sit-ups
Min 3: 10 push-ups
Min 4: 10 lunges with KB

Total reps for first 3 rounds: 153 (run counts as 1 rep)
Total reps for second 3 rounds: 150